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App Partenaire Inbound

We offer free standard integration that will allow you to connect your contacts between both ActiveCampaign and StealthSeminar There are both a free and a paid integration for customers of the platforms.

The paid will allow you to:

  • Connect your Stealth Seminar webinars with the ActiveCampaign API

  • Stealth Seminar will trigger ActiveCampaign Automations

  • Automations can be triggered for email events (48 hours ahead, 24 hours ahead, 12 hours ahead, 6 hours ahead, 1 hour ahead, 5 minutes ahead) so you can customize any emails you want inside ActiveCampaign for your webinar notifications.

  • Automations can be triggered for events during the webinars, so you know who attended and how long they stayed, and can create whatever type of automated follow-up you wish inside ActiveCampaign.

  • Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

    Profitez de 14 jours d'essai gratuit.

    Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
    Rejoignez plus de 180 000 clients. Aucune carte de crédit nécessaire. Configuration instantanée.