Warm-Up Sending Reputation Sequence 

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Créé par ActiveCampaign

When you send a contact 1 new email in 1 day, that's fine.

When you send a contact 10 new emails in 1 day, that's overkill. Not just to the contact who receives them, but also to your sender reputation.

When starting a new account with any marketing service, you are a relatively unknown sender. Suddenly sending a lot of emails from your domain to a server such as Gmail can cause issues with deliverability.

When you send your first email campaigns to your contacts, it's a gradual relationship-build.

Warm up the sending reputation for your new account by sending first touch emails out to your existing contacts over the course of a few days. Gradual sending helps establish you as a reputable sender

This automation slowly builds up your sending reputation by gradually sending a first-touch warm-up email sequence to more and more contacts every day.

How does the warm-up sending reputation sequence automation recipe work?

Here's how the warm-up sending reputation sequence automation works:

1. This recipe doesn't have a trigger because you will bulk import all contacts into this automation.

2. When contacts enter this automation, they are evenly split and sent down different paths

3. The first path has no wait time, so those contacts get the email immediately

4. The other paths introduce gradual wait times, such as 1 day, 2 days, etc. This lets you email more and more contacts every day.

5. Once they receive the email, the contact leaves the automation

What do you need to use the warm-up sending reputation sequence automation recipe?

Just an ActiveCampaign account and a contact list!

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