ACHQ Features

Scaleable email campaigns for multi-location brands

Franchise marketers and multi-location businesses use ActiveCampaign HQ to deliver incredible and consistent customer experiences with local-level personalization.

The top choice for franchises, buying groups, & more

Multi-location automation

Your centralized HQ can build and share ready-to-go campaigns for each franchise operator or regional hub to push to market to ensure a unified and consistent marketing strategy.

Pushdown campaigns

No more logging in and out of different accounts to create a consistent campaign. Our unique ‘pushdown’ approach means that the campaigns you create in your HQ account instantly sync to all of your connected locations.

Sync all your templates in a few clicks

On-brand every time

Create one set of branded templates and push them down across all of your connected accounts for effortless brand consistency.

Global brand, local voice

Add dynamic elements for personalization. Our localization tags let you customize each location’s campaign to focus on what your local customers want to see.

Run three-tier tests on your email campaigns

Make sure your emails are error-free, every time

Hit send with confidence. Our three-tier automated testing process sets you up for flawless emails every time.

How it works:

Test tier 1 sends a preview to your inbox. Tier 2 sends multiple versions to your connected account inboxes for granular proofing, including localization tags. Tier three sends a final preview to the admin accounts for approval.

Simplify multi-location metrics with consolidated reporting

Understand all your customers at a glance

Track local, national, and global campaigns from one place and identify trends in seconds.

Unlock one centralized view

ActiveCampaign HQ consolidates all the stats from each campaign in one centralized view, giving never-before-seen insight into how your network of accounts is performing.

Request a demo today

Speak to a member of our Sales team and see how ActiveCampaign HQ can help you deliver more effective multi-location campaigns.