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Partner App Inbound

Evalinator helps you create interactive assessments to engage your customers and prospects in personalized conversations. Once your customers have taken the assessment, you can engage them further in goal setting, invite them for a conversation, or simply continue to help them until they are ready to buy from you. No more scrambling to produce content every week. Evalinator is a very effective lead generation tool as well.

Customers who use ActiveCampaign can simply send email addresses from Evalinator straight to their selected list in Active Campaign. It's as simple as specifying your account and the target list. Once you have them in ActiveCampaign, Evalinator will provide you fresh content every time it is used, so you can nurture them effectively with personalized email and offers.

Vuoi provare ActiveCampaign?

Provalo gratis per 14 giorni.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni con regi­stra­zione via e‑mail
Unisciti a oltre 180.000 clienti. Non è necessaria la carta di credito. Configurazione istantanea.