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App partner Bi-directional
Personizely is a conversion marketing toolkit used to make the most of every website visitor

Create high-converting pop-ups, bars, and callout with easy to use builder. Whereas using website personalization tool you can easily edit your website according to visitor's activity history, source, geolocation, device, store activity and many more, creating variations of your website.

Grow your email list and boost your sales with Personizely and ActiveCampaign working as one. Change call-to-actions based on tags or custom fields data - show the right CTA based on lead magnets downloaded, webinar registrations, and more.

Vuoi provare ActiveCampaign?

Provalo gratis per 14 giorni.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni con regi­stra­zione via e‑mail
Unisciti a oltre 180.000 clienti. Non è necessaria la carta di credito. Configurazione istantanea.