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Realizzato da ActiveCampaign Bi-directional

The ActiveCampaign and Salesforce integration allows you to identify and nurture leads throughout the sales cycle by leveraging industry-leading automation. With this integration you can:

  • - Trigger personalized, automated follow-up emails based on what you know about your customers and prospects.
  • - Reach your customers and prospects with the right message, in the right channel, and at the right time.
  • - Dynamically test your content and segments to send exactly what your customers and prospects want to see.
  • - Integrating ActiveCampaign with Salesforce will create a seamless connection for your sales and marketing teams, providing better insights from prospect to customer. Your marketing and sales team will be in sync as records in Salesforce and ActiveCampaign will simultaneously reflect the most up-to-date information.
  • - Automatically send marketing qualified leads to Salesforce
  • - Map and sync custom fields on lead records
  • - Automatically send new leads and contacts to ActiveCampaign
  • - Trigger automations based on updates to lead profiles

Install ActiveCampaign in your Salesforce Instance

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