Marke­ting auto­ma­tion powers univer­si­ties and colleges

When you need to track students and alumni it’s tricky to coordinate the details across departments. Marketing automation takes care of the behind-the-scenes so that you can give each person the attention they deserve.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni con regi­stra­zione via e‑mail
Unisciti a oltre 180.000 clienti. Non è necessaria la carta di credito. Configurazione istantanea.

Score candi­da­tes to find the best fit

Sort appli­cants with intel­li­gent lead scoring

Give every contact a point-based score that shows their suitability for your program. Our lead scoring feature factors in their engagement, preferences, and more.

A score that adapts based on actions

When your contacts take action, their lead score will automatically change based on the criteria you’ve set as important.

Track beha­viors and iden­tify student interests

Capture what engages your students

What will make coming to your school an easy decision? When you identify student interests, you can follow up to highlight the academics and extracurricular activities that will help them make their decisions.

See which emails are most effective

Unify your analytics and get a holistic view of marketing efforts. Understand conversion rates to turn prospects into loyal customers, and attribute income to each channel.

Stay in touch with alumni

Simplify regular updates

Alumni relations is easy when you can see who’s interested. Track past donations, notify your team when it’s time to follow up, and use location targeting to announce local alumni gatherings.

Keep track of every­thing in one place

Save preferences, track alumni actions, and more in our powerful CRM feature. Make sure you’re always one step ahead, so you get the right content to the right people.

Easily sche­dule & send beau­ti­ful email updates

Welcome students at orientation

The beginning of school can be overwhelming. When you can use automation to deliver exactly the information that answers student’s questions, it makes the first few days of school a breeze.

Send impor­tant reminders

Showcase your classes, campus, and extracurriculars. Send beautiful emails that help prospective students picture what it’s like to attend your school.

L’Uni­ver­sità di Buenos Aires aumenta l’ef­fi­cienza con l’automazione intelligente

Una marketing automation più intelligente ha aiutato UBA a ottimizzare il proprio team e a creare il più grande programma di intelligenza artificiale gratuito dell'America Latina.

Processo di ammissione più rapido
Avremmo bisogno di uno staff di 30 persone per gestire 7.000 studenti. Grazie alle auto­ma­zioni di ActiveCampaign, sono neces­sari solo 2 dipen­denti part-time, con un rispar­mio di oltre 100.000 dollari.