Birth­day and Anni­ver­sary Coupon Email 

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Realizzato da ActiveCampaign

Do you want to make loyal customers feel special and celebrated? Add this special day coupon automation to your coupon marketing strategy.

This automation helps you celebrate customers on a specific date, like their birthday or the anniversary of them signing up with you.

You can use this birthday and anniversary coupon email automation to send your customers...

- Birthday wishes

- Birthday rewards

- Birthday promotions

- An anniversary email

- Loyalty promotions

- Special birthday offers

- Anniversary coupons

...all of which reward customers and build customer loyalty.

The trigger in this automation uses a date-based custom field for an event such as a birthday or anniversary. Feel free to adjust the settings to what special day makes sense for your business. It is currently set to trigger on the month and day of the custom field and then send out an email.

Here's how the birthday and anniversary coupon email automation works:

1. The automation's trigger checks to see if today is a contact's anniversary or birthday. (You need to create a date-based custom field for this automation.)

2. If today's date matches the date-based custom field, the automation is triggered

3. The contact enters the automation and receives the special promo email

4. The automation waits 1 week

5. The automation checks to see whether or not the contact has clicked a link in the email

6. If the contact has clicked a link in the email, they are assigned the tag "Used Special Day Coupon." The contact then exits the automation.

7. If the contact hasn't clicked on a link in the email, they exit the automation without being tagged.

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