ActiveCampaign automations help content creators reach their audience

Our advanced automation and expansive integration ecosystem are the perfect ingredients to help creators reach their audience, up and cross-sell their content, generate memberships, and grow their business.

ActiveCampaign automations help content creators reach their audience

How creators use ActiveCampaign to get more eyes on their content


Promote downloadable content

Create lead magnets to drive intent, properly nurture leads to download your content, and automate follow-ups to upsell new content.

Market online courses

Market online courses

Automate how you deliver course materials, instructions, and reminders and then tailor your offering to each prospective student in order to drive course sign ups.

Run successful live webinars


Run omnichannel marketing to drive webinar sign ups and use date-based automations to send reminders, login instructions, and calendar invites.

Improve membership conversion

Improve membership conversion

Understand how close your customers are to needing a membership upgrade and use automated triggers engage them for expansion at the right time.

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What makes ActiveCampaign ideal for content creators?

“Awesome experience and growth – Infinite potential. There are always multiple ways to achieve what I want to do and in some ways, it makes my marketing more creative. Simply said, ActiveCampaign helps me save a ton of time by automating my communication. This way, I can stay in the mind of my prospects and customers!”


“Access to lots of features for the price. I needed an email platform that would let me do workflows, track first-party cookies on our site, do A/B tests, connect with our custom CRM and easily create segments. ActiveCampaign fit the bill. It’s easy to do everything I need to do, and their support team is fantastic.”


“Easy to use and getting better. With ActiveCampaign you can set up triggers and conditions to send out messages tailored to each person’s behavior or interests. This is perfect for talking to your customers at whatever stage they find themselves. It also helps identify sales opportunities quickly and provides customers with great experiences.”


Online training creators find success with ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign helps online training companies grow by offering a selection of automation tools to engage the audience, boost engagement, and drive profits.

Happy Familes img

Using ActiveCampaign landing pages, Happy Families drove 350 paid memberships in one weekend and saved $10K per quarter in outsourcing costs. “ActiveCampaign is an absolutely essential part of our business. We’ve essentially tripled our earnings since the pandemic and couldn’t do it without ActiveCampaign.”

Design Space
The Design Space

The Design Space uses ActiveCampaign to market their content and grew their subscriber list to 10K in just two years. “ActiveCampaign helps us keep a personal touch with each client as we’ve scaled over the years. We can provide each customer with the support that helps them scale their own businesses.”