Find out what’s driving your revenue

Attribute every conversion and find out which campaigns are most effective. Use data to prioritize the most impactful channels.

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Two female-presenting office workers looking at a laptop. Superimposed above them is attribution data from a marketing automation campaign.

Track the customer journey from start to finish

When you know where your leads and conversions are coming from, you have a better shot at understanding what those customers want.

Our comprehensive attribution tools measure the effectiveness of each touchpoint across your campaigns, so you can find out what turns your visitors into leads, and your leads into customers.

Make your marketing more profitable

With attribution, you’ll know what marketing and advertising efforts are generating leads for your business, allowing you to optimize your ad spend and make more informed business decisions.

  • Trigger automations based on lead source

    Automatically create segments and tag contacts when they come from a specific source. Compare and see which sources provide the most leads.

  • Uncover the path to conversion

    When you click on a contact, you can see the exact path they took to reach you–whether that’s through a web search, social post, or paid ad.

  • Personalize your emails

    Use attribution data to customize your email and SMS campaigns based on where your leads are coming from and the actions they take.

  • Notify your sales team for quick follow-ups

    Use automations, or our Salesforce and Slack integrations, to quickly notify your sales team when a new lead is ready to be engaged.

First, last, and multi-touch attribution

We give you a holistic look at the entire customer journey by integrating first, last, and multi-touch attribution models. Get a 360-view of all your conversions and engagement, so you can pinpoint where to invest for the best returns. It's the ultimate tool for maximizing campaign impact and boosting ROI with precision.

A smiling female-presenting office worker looking at a laptop, with site tracking data superimposed.


Leverage our holistic reporting tools to track your campaign's value, understand your ROI, and pinpoint gaps across your marketing strategy.

A male-presenting coffee shop owner checking performance metrics on an iPad, showing the results of their latest campaign.

Win Probability

Optimize your marketing and sales efforts by predicting which deals are most likely to close. Our win probability feature uses AI to analyze every deal and give them a score based on relevant metrics.

A male presenting person in a bright, open plan office. Superimposed above them is the ActiveCampaign win probability interface, showing a 51% likelihood of a deal going through.


Make sure your emails arrive every time. Our best-in-class infrastructure and technical know-how makes sure your emails always land in the inbox.

A female-presenting person looking at a cellphone outdoors. Overlaid are deliverability stats showing ActiveCampaign at 94% deliverability.

Split Testing

Don’t just A/B test your campaigns: A/B/C/D/E test them. Compare the performance of up to five options and always pick the winning variation.

Two email alternatives shown side-by-side, representing how they are compared in ActiveCampaigns A/B and split testing features.

Ready to take ActiveCampaign for a spin?

Try it free for 14 days.

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Join over 150k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.