Welcome to the Q2 ActiveCampaign Partner Content Challenge

Enter for a chance to win a cash bonus and swag by submitting a high-quality video, blog, social post, or email to ActiveCampaign. The top three submissions are evaluated by a panel and the winner is featured on ActiveCampaign’s website and newsletter.

By submitting an entry to the Affiliate Challenge, you agree to be bound by the Affiliate Challenge Rules.

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What is the Q2 ActiveCampaign Partner Challenge

The Q2 Partner Challenge is designed to engage referral partners in creating valuable content that highlights ActiveCampaign and how they specifically use ActiveCampaign email newsletters for their business to drive revenue.
How the affiliate program works

How it works

Choose one or both of the following two options.

Option 1:
New Content Creation

Affiliates must create a new piece of content, which could be any of the following: video, blog post, social posts, infographics, etc., to demonstrate how they use ActiveCampaign’s email newsletters to drive revenue for their business. Partners will be provided with materials to aid in content creation. Partners must share a link to the content and any performance metrics, views/ impressions/ clicks, etc.

Option 2:
Email Newsletter Showcase

Partners must share an email newsletter (sent via ActiveCampaign) they’ve sent to their clients (minimum 1,000 recipients) that highlights how they use ActiveCampaign to drive revenue for their business.
Piggy Bank

Why enter the Q2 Partner Challenge

The top 20 best-quality submissions will receive a voucher for ActiveCampaign swag. The top 3 best quality submissions (reviewed by a panel) get a $500 cash bonus in addition to their referral commissions. The winner of the challenge will be featured on ActiveCampaign’s website and highlighted in ActiveCampaign’s newsletter!


ELIGIBILITY: Open by invitation only to affiliates and agency partners (each an “entrant”) under the ActiveCampaign Affiliate Referral and Agency Partner Programs. This challenge is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Participation in this challenge constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these challenge rules (the “Rules”) and the decisions of ActiveCampaign, LLC (“ActiveCampaign”), which are final and binding. To enter this challenge, entrants must follow the instructions provided by ActiveCampaign to fill out the entry information and submit their content.
CHALLENGE PERIOD: This challenge’s entry period begins at 12:01 a.m. CST on April 15, 2024, and ends at 11:59 p.m. CST on June 30, 2024.
SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION: ActiveCampaign will, in its sole discretion, select winners based on the quality, volume, reach and engagement of the submitted content. Up to three (3) first prize winners may be selected by ActiveCampaign and each first prize winner will receive the following first prize consisting solely of: a bonus commission payment of US$500 and one (1) US$30 voucher for the purchase of ActiveCampaign Swag Store merchandise. Up to seventeen (17) second prize winners may be selected by ActiveCampaign and each second prize winner will receive the following second prize consisting solely of: one (1) US$30 voucher for the purchase of ActiveCampaign Swag Store merchandise. Delivery costs will be borne by the winner, and if an order amount for ActiveCampaign Swag Store merchandise (including delivery costs) exceeds US$30, the excess amount will be paid by the winner. No cash or other prize substitution by winners will be permitted. Only one (1) prize per winner of this challenge. ActiveCampaign will attempt to notify the winners via email. If a winner does not respond to notification, the applicable prize is forfeited. In the event that a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, ActiveCampaign may award the applicable prize to an alternate winner selected by ActiveCampaign in its sole discretion.
PUBLICITY AND RELEASE: As a condition of entry into this challenge, except where prohibited by law, each entrant grants to ActiveCampaign a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable, irrevocable and perpetual license to display, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, and otherwise use any of the content submitted with an entrant’s entry, in any media and for any purpose, without additional review, compensation, or approval by the entrant. As a further condition of entry into this challenge, each winner, by accepting a prize, grants to ActiveCampaign all right, title and interest in, to publicize, broadcast, display and/or otherwise use, the winner’s name and other information collected from the winner in any media for advertising and publicity purposes, without additional review, compensation or approval of the winner.
CONDITIONS: ActiveCampaign reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this challenge (or portion thereof). For the avoidance of doubt, ActiveCampaign reserves the right to substitute a prize (or any portion thereof) with a prize of comparable, lower or greater value in the event that the prize becomes unavailable for any reason. ActiveCampaign also reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify the entry of any entrant. All federal, state and local taxes on prizes and any expenses not specified herein are the sole responsibility of the winner.
LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND DISPUTES: By entering this challenge, the entrant waives all rights to bring (and covenants not to bring) any claim against ActiveCampaign or any others associated with this challenge. Entrants further agree to release and hold harmless ActiveCampaign from any and all liability arising from their participation in this challenge, or ActiveCampaign’s use of any submitted content or any information collected from the entrant and/or submitted with the entrant’s entry. Any disputes that may arise under these Rules will be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to the conflicts of laws principles in any jurisdiction. Venue with respect to any such disputes will be had in the state and federal courts of the State of Illinois.