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Customer Love Enhancements — Week of July 26th


This week’s top customer requests, UI updates, navigation enhancements, and performance improvements include: the automation builder, CRM, WooCommerce integration, and Outlook Add-In.

Create deals right from your Outlook inbox Users with Deal permissions will now be able to create deals right from your Microsoft Outlook email account using our extension. You can relate a deal to a contact, an account, or both!


A modern automation builder design when selecting triggers The new Select a Trigger modal has been updated with a modern design to bring a consistent experience to the platform.


Improvements to your CRM experience Customers who use advanced search in Deals will enjoy a new design that is more consistent. You will be able to more easily select and see the fields you are searching on in the Advanced Search deals sidebar. The Add a Contact Modal has also been enhanced with an updated design.

An improved WooCommerce experience A bug that led to some users seeing different revenue reports in AC and WooCommerce has been corrected. You will also see better performance when syncing orders.