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Debugging Database Sync

Have you ever wondered what happened with the subscribers you are trying to sync in, or which subscriber was performed what action on, there is an easy way to do that.

Enabling Sync Logs

In order to turn debugging on, you will have to edit your /admin/ file and to put the following line right before the closing PHP tag “?>”:

if ( !defined(‘AC_SYNC_DEBUG’) ) define(‘AC_SYNC_DEBUG’, 1);

Once you enter the email marketing software’s admin panel interface, please go to Database Sync feature. In the list of all cron jobs, click the Run button. The resulting page will look identically the same as if debugging was not on. The difference is in the page source, since the debugging info is hidden in HTML comments (so it doesn’t mess the page layout).

In order to see the page source, click the right mouse button over the dots (that indicate progress). In the menu that appears, select View Source (in Firefox, the option is This Frame -> View Frame Source).

In the source of the page, you should be able to see what email addresses got imported and what happened to each of them.

If your cron job runs as a cron, the result for every row would be simply printed out. If your web server is setup to send cron job output to your email address, you should receive a report by email.

Checking For Errors

If you find that a sync is stalled and cannot be restarted, there is likely a PHP fatal error occurring on your server. You can contact your server administrator and ask them to check your server’s error logs to find out what the error is.

If you don’t see anything in your error log, make sure that PHP is set up to properly log all errors — this is a common problem when debugging PHP scripts. The log_errors variable should be on, error_log should be set to a valid, writable file, and error_reporting should be sent to a valid integer value that represents all error types. Check out to find out what an acceptable integer value for error_reporting might be for your specific version of PHP.

Additionally, our software is sometimes able to trap/log PHP errors for you. To see if our software has logged any PHP errors, log in to the admin interface, and then add the following text to the end of your URL, after main.php:


So the full URL in your browser’s address bar would look something like this:

* This is an example. Make sure that the blue portion of the example link above is changed so that it is the correct location of your Email Marketing software installation.

Once you have found the error that is occurring during your sync, your server admin can tell you exactly what is causing the error, and if it is due to a resource limitation or other server configuration error, they should be able to assist you with a resolution. If the error indicates that there is a bug or problem in our script, definitely contact our support department right away so that we can assist you further.

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