This error is caused by file corruption during the uploading process.It is very important that all files be uploaded in binary format only, meaning that your FTP client cannot be set to automatically detect the appropriate upload type. The reason for this is that the files are encoded (for Zend or... 1.00
- 07/19/2009
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This is a Zend Optimizer error, indicating that the version of Zend Optimizer running on your server is too old to run Zend-encoded ActiveCampaign scripts. To alleviate these troubles, you'll need to upgrade your server to a newer version of Zend Optimizer, which is available for free from... 3.00
- 07/19/2009
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Sending speeds are directly relational to your server, resources at time of sending, and your recipients. This knowledge base article lists some of the factors in your 1-2-All mailings and in your server configuration that will determine the sending speed you experience.
The following is a list... 1.00
- 06/30/2009
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The first line of each of the 1-2-All cron scripts contains a path to your PHP, which allows the script to run. /usr/bin/php/ is the standard location, but it is different on some servers. All that is needed is to contact the host to find out the correct location of PHP, and then edit the first... 1.00
- 07/12/2006
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If read/open tracking is not working - check the message source for something like: If that is anywhere in your mailing - your outgoing mail server is changing the message source before sending the mailing. This does not have to do with 1-2-All and can only be fixed by contacting your web host. 1.00
- 11/09/2007
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If you see the following when sending an email to Hotmail:  test
test of message contents next line
or something similar it is due to the character set and Hotmail's inability to read UTF-8This is not something that 1-2-All can prevent and is due to how Hotmail forces ISO... 0.00
- 06/02/2006
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In order to begin troubleshooting an issue it is necessary to ensure that you are upgraded to the latest version. 12all is developed to work with a wide range of server settings and configurations. We can not begin troubleshooting and working out a fix with a version that is not up to date. If... 0.00
- 06/23/2006
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The best way to ensure your file will be imported properly is to use a tab-delimited format. this is because the data itself can contain commas, and when it does, it can confuse the column detection. Tab delimited format is the same as comma-separated, except that tabs are used instead of... 1.00
- 07/19/2006
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During message creating process, when you select more than one list, it will make a sum of all subscribers, and that number will be displayed while creating message. Then, when it starts importing users into temporary table for send, it will throw out duplicates, so the number might be smaller in... 1.00
- 09/08/2006
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If you notice an error on your bounce settings page that looks like this:File Location: .../ac_global/pear/POP3.php Line: 300 Message: Undefined offset: 3 Error Type: Notice, Error Number: 8It is because your POP3 server reports that it has the capability for SASL authentication type but it does... 2.00
- 03/20/2012
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A very common error with bounced messages is that the bounced mail will be received by 12all, but 12all fails to process the bounced message for a particular subscriber. A common symptom of this problem is when you happen to see an error message like this when you check for bounces:5 messages were... 1.00
- 03/10/2010
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If you go to List -> General List Settings your attachments allowed per mailing is most likely set to 0. In order to allow attachments to be sent in mailings you must set this number greater or equal to the number of attachments you are including in the mailing. 1.00
- 10/19/2006
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1-2-All can save the info about mailing in a log table. In order to turn this feature on, please define a variable in your file:$GLOBALS['log_mailing'] = 1;Then you can find the logs on what happened with what email address in database table 12all_logs.Mailings are those with... 1.00
- 04/11/2008
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Version 4.60 introduced a new sending engine that should drastically speed up the mail sending. However, we tend to continue to support old sending engine in case someone has problems with the new one.In order to switch your 1-2-All 4.60+ install to use old sending engine, you will have to edit the... 1.00
- 08/22/2007
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1-2-All can save the info about every responder sent in a log table. In order to turn this feature on, please define a variable in your file:$GLOBALS['log_responder'] = 1;Then you can find the logs on what happened with what email address in database table 12all_logs.Autoresponders... 1.00
- 09/11/2007
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There is a string in your language file that is used by FCK editor to figure out what language to show based on the selected language in our application. In order to fix this, you will have to edit your German language file, and to modify the following line: "en" = "" to look like: "en" = "de" ... 1.00
- 11/14/2007
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FCK editor parses the entered HTML code prior to sending it via form submission. It converts the code in a way it finds to be best suitable for HTML standard. By that standard, tag goes into HEAD of the document. If you wish FCK not to parse the content prior to submitting, then: - click the code... 1.00
- 11/16/2007
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By default, 1-2-All logs failed subscribers only. In case you wish to log every subscriber to whom an email is sent to, please turn on the Log Mailing (database logging) or Log Files (file system logging) feature.If you wish to change the logging level,, please define a variable in your... 1.00
- 11/29/2007
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1-2-All can save the info about the entire mailing in a single log file. In order to turn this feature on, please define a variable in your file:$GLOBALS['mailer_log_file'] = 1;Every mailing will create it's own log file in /cache/ folder with a name "mailing-1234.log" where 1234 is... 1.00
- 11/29/2007
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Unfortunately, this problem extends outside of 1-2-All. 1-2-All is a PHP script, and as such, it can only do what PHP allows it to do. PHP is the one handling things "under the hood". So, when 1-2-All starts sending, it is calling a mail() function (native PHP function, 1.00
- 03/11/2010
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