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  • Message Variables
    Message variables allow you to set variables that can be inserted into your email messages. When these messages are sent the variables would be replaced with whatever content was specified for that variable. To add a variable go to the Campaigns > Message Variables page. Here are some examples...
    1.00 - 06/30/2009 - Similar Articles
  • How to use RSS in your email messages & campaigns
    When creating a new message you can dynamically insert an RSS feed into the message contents.  This means that when the message is being sent it will fetch the RSS contents and display them as you specified while creating that message. To begin click the RSS icon on the message creation...
    0.00 - 09/21/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Conditional Content
    While preparing custom messages for users, it's often useful to display specific verbiage based on a personalization tag. In other words, if a personalization tag matches a certain condition, such as First Name being "Jim," you can provide a unique message in such situations. This allows you to...
    5.00 - 09/21/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Using Google Analytics for campaign read and link tracking
    You can enable Google Analytics to track reads and links in your campaign messages. First, you'll need a Google Analytics account created, and a profile set up for your mailing website:     Note the unique Google Analytics account number for the profile:     Setting up Read Tracking For read...
    0.00 - 09/21/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Message Templates
    Many email campaign designs will use the same layout, with only the content changing. This allows more focus to be placed on the content, while not having to re-design the layout each time. It also aids in establishing recognition with your subscribers. You can create message templates which act as...
    0.00 - 12/12/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Troubleshooting the Campaign Sending Process
    By default, logging sending process is turned off to save space on your server.Sending logs can be setup in two places: locally (per campaign) or globally (system-wide).In order to turn the sending log on globally, for all campaigns in the system, please run the following query against your...
    0.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Time in Email Marketing 5
    One of the big changes between Email Marketing version 4 and 5 is how it uses time.  Mailings are now scheduled from your local time zone; if you want something sent out at 3:30 your time, you no longer have to guess the difference between the server's time and your time.  You simply schedule...
    1.00 - 02/28/2011 - Similar Articles
  • CSS styles ignored in HTML emails, or extra periods appearing in stylesheets?
    When sending HTML emails in any email marketing software, we understand that it is of the utmost importance that your layout and CSS styles are compatible across all of the major email clients. If you have been experiencing problems with your CSS styles in your HTML emails not showing up properly...
    3.00 - 10/23/2009 - Similar Articles
  • I already have an HTML email template. How do I add it in to the software?
    We offer some templates to download on our website, and you can also design and create email templates directly within our software using our built-in WYSIWYG editor -- however, you may decide to design your own HTML template using a different HTML editing program, or you may already have an HTML...
    0.00 - 09/21/2011 - Similar Articles
  • List Segments
    Our Email Marketing software allows you to create multiple lists, which you can use to keep your subscribers organized. However, many people wish to divide up their subscriber lists even further. This is known as "list segmenting." List segmenting allows you to send specific, targeted campaigns to...
    3.00 - 06/08/2011 - Similar Articles