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Downloaded Version

Knowledge base articles that are specific to the downloaded version of ActiveCampaign Email Marketing


  • (Downloaded Version) Activating Facebook Social Media Reporting
    If you haven't already, please read our Social Media Reporting Overview before configuring your downloaded software to connect to Facebook. As mentioned in our Social Media Reporting Overview document, subscribers that click the Facebook icon within an email message will be tracked for segmenting...
    0.00 - 12/21/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Debugging Database Sync
    Have you ever wondered what happened with the subscribers you are trying to sync in, or which subscriber was performed what action on, there is an easy way to do that.In order to turn debugging on, you will have to edit your /admin/engine.inc.php file and to put the following line right before the...
    0.00 - 12/20/2011 - Similar Articles
  • How To Optimize Your Server, Mail Server, And Software
    While we have developed our email marketing software to work with the majority of default server settings there are always options you can look into for optimizing your server to make things even faster.  Below you will find optimization options for different parts of your server and the...
    0.00 - 09/15/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Installing Email Marketing
    This article discusses how to install the software on to your web server. Additionally, the second portion of this article discusses post-installation setup and configuration that you may need as well -- such as setting up bounce management, cron jobs, and mail sending options. Installing the...
    0.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Mail Sending Options
    Your mailing application can't function without proper mail settings configured. There are two options for sending mail: Default sending method (sendmail, qmail, etc) SMTP The "Default sending method" will send email using PHP's mail() function, which uses the default MTA on your server. MTA...
    2.00 - 06/28/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Mail Sending Throttling Settings Explained
    The downloaded version of Active Campaign Email Marketing (which is installed on one's own web server) allows users to add multiple SMTP connections for sending. The software will rotate between each SMTP sending connection available -- this allows users to spread out the sending load among...
    0.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Moving your software to another server
    Moving your downloaded software to a new web server, while retaining all of your settings and data, is a simple process. It involves resetting your license, moving your database and files, connecting the migrated installation to your new server's database, and activating the migrated...
    3.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Quick Start Guide
    The email marketing software has a simple to use interface that allows you to easily create,  manage, and maintain lists of subscribers.   This guide will help you get started quickly by using the basic features of the email marketing software.   For more in-depth information about using and...
    1.00 - 11/30/2010 - Similar Articles
  • Setting Up A Cron Job
    A cron job is simply a scheduled task that runs regularly on your server. Most administrators would set up a cron job to run regularly scheduled backups on the server, for example. In a Windows server environment, you would need to set up a "Scheduled Task" instead of a cron job. Cron jobs and...
    0.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Setting up Bounce Management
    A "bounce" email is an email message that was not delivered to its recipient properly, and was then returned to the original sender. This typically happens when an email address or domain name doesn't exist, or the email inbox of the recipient was full or offline. Active Campaign's Email Marketing...
    0.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Upgrading Email Marketing
    ActiveCampaign is developed to work with a wide range of server settings and configurations. We are constantly working on improving the software by fixing any problems that are found and adding new features, many of which come from our clients' feature suggestions. As a result, minor upgrades are...
    3.00 - 09/15/2011 - Similar Articles