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  • Moving your software to another server
    Moving your downloaded software to a new web server, while retaining all of your settings and data, is a simple process. It involves resetting your license, moving your database and files, connecting the migrated installation to your new server's database, and activating the migrated...
    3.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Basic Server Requirements
    The main requirement for running ActiveCampaign software is recent versions of PHP and MySQL. Any type of server with PHP & MySQL (IE: Linux, Windows IIS, OSX, etc..) will be able to run our products. For specific product requirements view the requirements page of the product you will be...
    1.00 - 07/19/2009 - Similar Articles
  • Additional Requirements & Required Server Settings
    Some features will not work properly without the following: GDLib: GD Lib is a graphics library included with PHP. However, it is not mandatory, and some PHP installations may not have it available. ActiveCampaign software uses GDLib to generate charts and graphs. These features will not...
    1.00 - 05/26/2006 - Similar Articles
  • Ioncube Loaders
    If you are running the Ioncube version of any ActiveCampaign product there is an ioncube folder that contains common ioncube loaders.Loaders are server and php version specific. If the test.php file says your server should support Ioncube - but the software does not run and gives an "ioncube...
    1.00 - 05/26/2006 - Similar Articles
  • License Activation and Load Balanced Servers
    Our license activation scheme uses two components -- host name and path -- to mark an activation. If you use load-balancing for your web server, even though you have the software on each machine, the activation should work fine -- provided two conditions are true. One, that each machine which is...
    1.00 - 12/05/2007 - Similar Articles
  • Determining the Actual Sender of Spam
    Often, people who receive spam will mistakenly believe that the "from" address shown in the spam is the actual sender, but the "from" address shown is seldom the real sender. Spammers will forge this information in order to obscure their identity, but by viewing the email headers you will be able...
    1.00 - 01/03/2008 - Similar Articles
  • Installation methods: EXE vs ZIP file
    ActiveCampaign software is offered as both ZIP files, and as EXE installers. The ZIP file approach can be used from any computer, while the EXE installer needs to be run on a Windows computer. Whether you choose to install by extracting and uploading the ZIP files to your server, or by running...
    1.00 - 01/07/2008 - Similar Articles
  • Using PHP Version 5.2.5+ with Ioncube Loaders
    Beginning with PHP version 5.2.5, it will be necessary for the server administrator or web host to install Ioncube loaders. This differs from previous versions of PHP where the Ioncube loaders could often simply be uploaded by either our support team or by a client who is performing the...
    1.00 - 01/15/2008 - Similar Articles
  • Backing up your MySQL Database From the Command Line
    It is a a good idea to make regular backups of your MySQL database in case of a server crash or other unfortunate event. This article describes how backups can be made and restored from the command line. You may even want to create a cron job or windows scheduled task to automatically run these...
    1.00 - 03/18/2008 - Similar Articles
  • How to backup and restore ones database using mysqldump, etc.
    MySQL Dump Using phpMyAdminThere are many ways of doing a dump and a restore of a MySQL database but because this action is typically performed using a program such as phpMyAdmin, this is what we'll go over. phpMyAdmin can typically be found using your cpanel or plesk panel. If you are not...
    1.00 - 06/09/2008 - Similar Articles
  • "How to recover from a corrupted or hacked installation."
    There are two components of your software you should safeguard from the event that your install becomes either hacked or corrupted, your database and your files. Routinely make back ups of your database and your files so that should the need arise you can revert back to the last working copy of...
    1.00 - 05/21/2008 - Similar Articles
  • SMTP Server Service
    If you are experiencing any problems sending emails or would like to not have to manage your own SMTP / mail sending server then ActiveCampaign is pleased to announce the following SMTP Server Service:https://www.activecampaign.com/smtp/Starting as low as $9.95/mth you can get an SMTP account for...
    1.00 - 05/20/2009 - Similar Articles
  • Why Am I Getting Blank Pages?
    If you are receiving a blank page or a blank screen then it could be due to any one of a number of common errors such as uploading in ASCII, loaders not being configured properly, or PHP running out of memory. The reason why you are not receiving a corresponding error message is because your set...
    2.00 - 06/10/2008 - Similar Articles
  • Memory Exhausted
    If you receive an error such as PHP Fatal error: Allowed Memory size of 8388408 bytes exhaused (tried to to allocate ... bytes)... in then this means your memory limit is set too low for the script to function properly. A lot of people with default PHP installations have 8 megabytes for their...
    1.00 - 06/10/2008 - Similar Articles
  • How to transfer a serial to a different person
    In order to transfer a serial to another person that person must have a support account set up.   If they do not then they will need to create one.   In order to transfer a serial login to our site and go to account forms. (www.activecampaign.com/account/forms.php)   If the person you are...
    0.00 - 05/25/2012 - Similar Articles