You can set a header and footer file for your knowledge base. Make sure both the header and footer
do not have any opening or closing main tags, head tags, or body tags. You can specify the
URL or relative path of the file you want to include as header and footer, begin by clicking on... 1.00
- 10/11/2005
- Similar Articles
You are able to easily customize the public interface of KB. With KB you receive 3 templates that you
can switch to with a click of a button. If you wish to further customize these templates it can easily
be done.
Files that can be Modified:
The main templates folder is:
Inside... 0.00
- 10/11/2005
- Similar Articles
To modify the color scheme for further integration of your KnowledgeBuilder to your website there is
a central .css file located in every template folder.
� style.css /templates/TemplateNameHere/style.css 0.00
- 10/11/2005
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