When a user asks a question through your knowledge base you can quickly and easily turn that
question into an article. And even have the article emailed to the user who asked the question. On
the public main page click on 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
Instant Response improves support efficiency by solving problems before they arise. Properly address
your users concerns and reduce support traffic by allowing users to post questions. Instant
response works to find matching articles even before they submit question. When a visitor asks... 3.60
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
When a user searches for a word, all instances of the word that appear on the screen are highlighted.
When the user moves the mouse over and clicks on the highlighted word there is a small layer of
text that appears with the definition of the word.
A Glossary tab appears on the left side of the... 1.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
When looking for an article, type in keywords into the text field to commence your search. Select
the category, using the drop down menu, from which the article is most likely to appear in. You can
do a full text search, ID # only, and match whole word only. You can set the date range and... 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
You can find out how effective your article was to your user by allowing them to rate the article. A
drop down menu appears on the side of the screen. Scroll down to rate as 4.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
You can get helpful feedback from your users by allowing them to comment on your articles. Once
the comment has been submitted it can be viewed and approved by an administrator who is logged
into the control panel. 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
You are presented with related articles at the bottom of the screen. After the user is finished with the
article he can easily explore related issues at the bottom of the screen. The user is presented with a
set of articles before they have the chance to pose the next question. This feature can... 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
Email to a Friend is a useful feature and an easy way to generate fresh traffic to your site. If a user
finds an article of interest to a person they know then they can easily email that article over. Click on 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
Your readership may understandably want to know the source of the article they are presented before
coming to any conclusions about its content. An authoritative text is more reliable and trustworthy.
On the right side of the screen is a highlighted link with the author's name. By clicking on... 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
Main Articles
Main Articles are articles that you have chosen to place in the root category folder. The scope of
these articles should be broad and relative to the other articles in your knowledge base. They can be
articles of general interest to your user.
Viewing Categories
The folders for... 0.00
- 11/11/2004
- Similar Articles
Your trouble ticketing system includes a knowledge base. Click on the KnowledgeBase icon to get
inside the knowledge base and view a list of your articles that provide answers to commonly asked
questions. Additionally, 0.00
- 11/12/2004
- Similar Articles
Any word that is too short is ignored. The default minimum length of words that will be found by full-text searches is four characters. Words in the stop word list are ignored. A stop word is a word such as ``the'' or ``some'' that is so common that it is considered to have zero semantic value.... 0.00
- 02/10/2005
- Similar Articles