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Maintaining KnowledgeBuilder

Information pertaining to maintenance of your KnowledgeBuilder software installation.


  • Finding and installing updates for KnowledgeBuilder
    Incremental KnowledgeBuilder upgrades including minor improvements, bug fixes, and enhancements are released periodically, and it is important to keep your software up-to-date in order to realize its full benefit. Major upgrades to KnowledgeBuilder can generally be expected two or three times a...
    1.00 - 11/09/2007 - Similar Articles
  • Moving your software to another server
    Moving your downloaded software to a new web server, while retaining all of your settings and data, is a simple process. It involves resetting your license, moving your database and files, connecting the migrated installation to your new server's database, and activating the migrated...
    3.00 - 09/08/2011 - Similar Articles
  • Backing up and restoring your KnowledgeBuilder database
    Periodically, you will want to back up KnowledgeBuilder database to ensure that your articles can be enjoyed by future generations. It is fortunate, then, that KnowledgeBuilder provides a simple and effective means to do so. Under the Settings tab, the Database Backup section provide two options:...
    0.00 - 12/16/2005 - Similar Articles