The appearance of these strange characters in place of things like accented letters, quotation marks, hyphens, dashes, or apostrophes is caused by an incorrect character encoding setting for your locality.
You can change the character encoding that your copy of KnowledgeBuilder uses very easily.... 1.00
- 09/09/2005
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From within the settings tab, click on the link heading entitled "Mail Sending Options" to set up or change the way that KnowledgeBuilder sends mail.
The default sending method utilizes PHP's built-in mail() function, which uses your server's default MTA. This might be sendmail, qmail, or a host... 0.00
- 10/03/2005
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If you are encountering file uploading trouble, first try uploading a small text file. If that does not work, ensure that (file_uploads) is turned on in your php.ini and you have no file upload limitations on your server.If you can only upload small files and are unable to upload any larger files... 3.00
- 09/02/2008
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