One of the new features in KnowledgeBuilder 3.x is support for what we call search-friendly URLs. These are URLs which, when indexed by a search engine and when read by a human, explain what the page is about. An article, for example, could include its title right in the URL, just as you might... 2.00
- 08/14/2008
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First, ensure that your web server meets all the necessary requirements to run KnowledgeBuilder.
Once this is done, you will need:
FTP access to your live web directory
Your MySQL host name, database name, username, and password
Your KnowledgeBuilder serial number
First,... 3.00
- 08/15/2008
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In KB 3.x, you can submit a question anytime, using the Contact form. What you'll notice when start typing your question into the form is real-time article suggestions, based on what you are typing. These suggestions appear directly below the form: This is all done in real-time, requiring no... 1.00
- 01/06/2010
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The easiest way to upgrade your knowledge base to the latest version of KnowledgeBuilder is to simply submit a ticket to our technical support staff, who can perform the upgrade for you for a nominal charge.If you would like to perform the upgrade youself, the first step will be to download the... 1.00
- 05/20/2009
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KnowledgeBuilder is very simple to learn and use. This article will help you to get up and running quickly by showing you how to add users, categories, and articles to your knowledge base. This article assumes that you have already installed KnowledgeBuilder on your server.
Adding Users and User... 2.00
- 04/30/2009
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