KnowledgeBuilder 3 introduced shorter, easier to remember URLs for your content. There will be no more links that make you touch your Shift key, no more ampersands and equal signs and numbers in your long URLs. In your new KB, the link to your article will look like this:For articles:... 1.00
- 08/22/2008
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If you choose to allow your visitors to subscribe to articles posted in your knowledge base, they will be able to opt in to receive e-mail notifications each time that article is edited. This is useful for articles that contain time-sensitive information or which are updated regularly.You can... 1.00
- 08/28/2008
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You can configure KnowledgeBuilder to allow visitors to register for accounts in your knowledge base. You can allow them to register for any level of access that you wish. By default, they will be assigned to the "Users" user group, which gives them access to read articles and post comments. This... 1.00
- 09/04/2008
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All of KnowledgeBuilder's language and character settings are stored within its central language files which make it easy for you to modify any text within the program. By editing these files you can adjust the wording of KnowledgeBuilder's options to more closely reflect the purposes you are using... 1.00
- 05/20/2009
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Most people use a variety of programs on their website; one to manage their forum, another to handle trouble tickets, another still to send their email. An often-requested feature is to use one or another of these programs to authenticate, so that users don't have to maintain more than one login... 3.50
- 11/10/2010
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