Ensure that your web server meets all the necessary requirements to run iSalient.
Once this is done, you will need:
FTP access to your live web directory
Your MySQL host name, database name, username, and password
Your iSalient serial number
... 2.67
- 08/20/2010
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iSalient makes it easy to begin creating and deploying surveys right away. This guide will help you get started quickly by using the basic features of iSalient. For more in-depth information about setting up and using iSalient to take advantage of all of its advanced functionality, it is... 1.00
- 11/09/2007
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You can check to see whether your copy of iSalient is up-to-date by going to Settings->Check for Updates. We are constantly improving iSalient, so if you experience any problems this is a good place to start; the problems you're experiencing may already be fixed.
If you find that there is a newer... 1.00
- 06/10/2008
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