Under Surveys->Add, you'll find a number of options for setting up your survey. The options are conveniently divided into six sections: General Options, Security Options, Response Options, Navigation Options, Survey Completion Options, and Decline Page Select Options.In this article, we'll go... 1.00
- 05/23/2007
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iSalient makes it easy to begin creating and deploying surveys right away. This guide will help you get started quickly by using the basic features of iSalient. For more in-depth information about setting up and using iSalient to take advantage of all of its advanced functionality, it is... 1.00
- 11/09/2007
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iSalient allows the quick and easy creation of many common types of survey questions. In this article we will discuss the basic procedure for crafting a survey question and using iSalient's advanced logic features, branching and conditions.To work with survey questions, you'll need to create a new... 1.00
- 01/04/2007
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The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the types of survey question items that are available to users of iSalient, and to provide information on how and when to use each type of question item.An introduction to the basic procedures you'll use to construct your questions and survey... 1.00
- 01/10/2007
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Reports are featured prominently throughout iSalient because of the obvious importance of statistical analysis in interpreting survey results. Two graphs you'll see upon logging into iSalient are respondents by date and top ten surveys.By going to Reports -> Survey Responses you can view graphical... 1.00
- 02/15/2007
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If you've collected extra data about your survey respondents in advance, iSalient allows you to pass these values into a survey to be included in your data set. This is done by adding the data onto the end of the survey link you send your invitees.Let's say you've installed iSalient on your web... 0.00
- 08/23/2007
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iSalient naturally provides the ability to pre-fill survey fields with a default response. However, in certain cases, it would be nice to have a way to pre-select an alternate set of default responses.iSalient provides the ability to accomplish this for the first page of your survey--however,... 1.00
- 11/06/2007
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Showing a report with a crosstab lets you view only the responses from people who gave a specific answer to a question. For example, if one of your survey questions is which country are you from, you can create a report that shows responses only for those who are from the US, or only those from... 1.00
- 08/24/2007
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Page branching creates a tree structure that allows you to customize your survey based on a participant's responses. More specifically it refers to the ability to redirect a respondent to a page containing questions that are based on their responses. If a respondent chooses response A they will... 2.00
- 09/28/2007
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Conditions are similar to page branching except that questions do not appear on the page unless the conditions that you set are met. Conditions create a tree structure that allows you to customize your survey based on a participant's responses to questions on previous pages so that a question with... 1.00
- 08/26/2010
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The "Survey Software by ActiveCampaign" (or "Powered by iSalient") footer, and iSalient logo can be removed from our Survey software by editing the appropriate files or settings, depending on your version of the software.
Survey Styles
In older versions, you can edit the survey styles.... 1.00
- 02/10/2010
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iSalient survey responses can easily be exported to a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file. This can be used to import the results into spreadsheet or other programs.After logging in to iSalient, go to Reports->Individual Responses.Select the survey and date range you would like to export. You can... 1.00
- 01/03/2008
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Free survey styles for use with iSalient can be downloaded from https://www.activecampaign.com/survey-software/free-styles.phpThese free styles will allow you to save time, instead of having to create your own styles.Download a free style by clicking on it. Save the file in a location you will... 1.00
- 04/08/2010
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Individual survey responses can be deleted from within iSalient. This can be be especially useful if you would like to take your own survey before making it public.After logging in to iSalient, go to Reports->Individual Responses.Select the survey and date range you would like to export. You can... 1.00
- 01/03/2008
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After creating a survey, you will then want to deploy it so that your users may give their responses.After logging in to iSalient, go to Surveys->Manage.Click "Deploy" next to the survey you would like to deploy.Select the type of integration you would likeThe "link on your website" option can be... 1.00
- 01/03/2008
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Free survey questions for use with iSalient can be downloaded from http://www.isalient.com/free_questions.phpThese free questions will allow you to save time, instead of having to create your own questions. Questions are available for many common surveys, such as website feedback, restaurant... 0.00
- 01/03/2008
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Using iSalient, you can easily print some or all of your survey results. You will be able to print all responses for a given survey, all responses within a date rage, or individual responses.After logging in to iSalient, go to Reports->Individual Responses.Select the survey and date range you... 2.00
- 01/03/2008
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The iSalient graphics library makes it easy to reuse images, without having to reupload them each time. This knowledge base article will describe the process of adding images to the graphics library and using the uploaded images within iSalient.After logging in to iSalient, go to Surveys->Graphics... 2.00
- 01/03/2008
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iSalient allows the order of your survey questions to be easily changed, without the need to delete and re-create the questions. This article details the question reordering feature:After logging in to iSalient, go to Surveys->ManageClick "Order" next to the survey whose question order you would... 2.00
- 01/04/2008
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The import and export features of iSalient will allow you to import and export surveys and their questions. This article will describe the process of first exporting a survey, and then importing the survey.1. ExportingAfter logging in to iSalient, go to Surveys->Manage.Click "Export" next to the... 1.00
- 01/07/2008
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